
Showing posts from August, 2017

Details of The top 15 healthy foods

Here I'm provide details of the top 15 foods considered to be the most healthy, according to surveys and sources across the United States and Western Europe. There are numerous diets that promote weight loss, sometimes in an unhealthy way. Fad crash dieting, for instance, is potentially dangerous. The most important thing to remember, is that a balanced diet is the true secret to healthful eating. Contents of this article: Nuts, pulses, and grains Greens, fruits, and berries Fish, meat, and eggs Nuts, pulses, and grains Nuts, pulses, and grains can be highly nutritious. Here are some of the best: Almonds First on our list is almonds. Almonds are rich in nutrients, including magnesium, vitamin E, iron, calcium, fiber, and riboflavin. A scientific review published in Nutrition Reviews found that almonds as a food may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The authors wrote: "The message that almonds, in and of themsel...

Fruits and berries are among the world's most popular health foods.

This is not surprising, given that they taste incredible. Fruits are also very easy to incorporate into the diet, because they require little to no preparation. 1. Apples The apple is high in fiber, vitamin C and numerous antioxidants. Apples are very fulfilling, and perfect as snacks if you find yourself hungry between meals. 2. Avocados Avocados are different than most fruits, because they are loaded with healthy fats instead of carbs. They are creamy, tasty and high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C. 3. Bananas Bananas are among the world's best sources of potassium. They are also high in vitamin B6 and fiber. Bananas are ridiculously convenient and portable. 4. Blueberries Blueberries are not only delicious, but also among the most powerful sources of antioxidants in the world. 5. Oranges Oranges are well known for their vitamin C content. They are also high in fiber, antioxidants and taste incredible. 6. Strawberries Strawberri...

Ian McKellen Reads a Passionate Speech by William Shakespeare, Written in Defense of Immigrants

The identity of William Shakespeare has been a literary mystery for four hundred years, inspiring theory after theory, book after book. There has been, indeed, little biographical evidence to work with, though paleographer and “literary detective” Heather Wolfe has very recently filled in some critical gaps. It was long thought that Shakespeare’s will, in which he bequeaths to his wife his “second best bed,” was the only document in his hand, aside from a few signatures here and there. Since around the turn of the 20th   century, however, scholars have come to agree that three pages of a manuscript in an Elizabethan play called  Sir Thomas More contain Shakespeare’s handwriting. The play, writes the British Library---who house the physical pages and have digital scans at their site---tells the story of "the Tudor lawyer and polymath who was sentenced to death for refusing to recognise Henry VIII as Supreme Head of the Church in England.” Best known from  A M...

What is Life Story work?

What is Life Story work? Our life experiences shape us as individuals and this helps others to understand who we are as a person. People with dementia sometimes need help to communicate important aspects of their identity – like background, interests, who and what is important to them – due to problems with memory loss and communication. Life Story work is an activity in which the person with dementia is supported by staff and family members to gather and review their past life events and build a personal biography. It is used to help the person understand their past experiences and how they have coped with events in their life. What are the benefits of Life Story work? It can help people with dementia share their stories and enhance their sense of identity. This is especially useful when they are having difficulty in sharing this information themselves. Life Story work can help encourage better communication and an understanding of the person’s needs and wishes...

Top 10 Tips for a Creative Life

The creative life is fraught with worries, doubts and other challenges that can easily cause a person to avoid creating. It’s challenging to work on a novel for years in a world already filled with books or to share another image when it seems everybody is a photographer. When we do work that doesn’t turn out, we might feel frustrated or sad. When we don’t know how to complete a project, we might feel anxious or defeated. Here are 10 tips for bravely manifesting your potential, creating deeply and regularly, and living your life as an everyday creative person. 1. HONOR THE CREATIVE PROCESS Many people claim to “love the process,” but nobody likes the idea of spending two years on a novel that ultimately is not well received. Intellectually, we may accept the fact that not everything we do will turn out well. But in our bodies, we hate that idea. We have to accept this reality and learn the dance of detachment: Maintain your dreams, desires, and ambitions for your project...